Iron hair pin inlaid with pearls, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work

Iron hair pin inlaid with pearls, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work

  • Image Number: K1D006335N000000000PBA
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Dress accessories
  • Material: Mineral/Jade Jewelry/
  • Description:
    The head of the plain collar metal hairpin is made of a cluster of green springs, and the top of the springs are embedded with a pearl. The whole hairpin looks like a cluster of petals without petals. As the attached yellow wrapping paper has the words “A pair of red peony hairpins with beads on it” in ink, it can be seen that this is an imitation of a multi flowered red peony (umbel).

清 米珠山丹花簪
图片[2]-Iron hair pin inlaid with pearls, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work-China Archive
图片[3]-Iron hair pin inlaid with pearls, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work-China Archive
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