Silver ring with inlay of coral and turquoise, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work

Silver ring with inlay of coral and turquoise, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work

  • Image Number: K1D006418N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Bracelet
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/
  • Description:
    Ring, silver, with a slightly rectangular face, is inlaid with a semicircle coral in the middle and a semicircle turquoise on both sides, and decorated with two silver beads between the coral and turquoise; The inlaid gems are covered with double-layer chiseled bead patterns; The ring circumference is a fixed iron plate and cannot be adjusted. Therefore, Miscellaneous 6411~6418 are in a group of eight.

清 乾隆 銀嵌珊瑚松石戒指
图片[2]-Silver ring with inlay of coral and turquoise, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work-China Archive
图片[3]-Silver ring with inlay of coral and turquoise, Qing dynasty, 18th c., Tibetan work-China Archive
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