Gilt silver ornamental personal care set with coral and turquoise inlay, Tongzhi reign (1862-1874), Qing dynasty

Gilt silver ornamental personal care set with coral and turquoise inlay, Tongzhi reign (1862-1874), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1D006457N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Clothing accessories, tools
  • Material: Mineral/metal/plated metal
  • Description:
    Silver plated gold, centered on the hollowed out flower basket, with five chains and pendants, one of which is missing, and the other is hung with swords, carved with cloud head patterns, mesh patterns and straight lines; Small cone, the handle is carved like a bamboo knot; With sheath knife, the body is carved with caviar pattern and linear pattern; Gold flint can be used as a tool of fire. It has a long handle and a round cake at the end. It is carved with a pattern of life. This device should be a waist pendant.

清 銀鍍金三事
图片[2]-Gilt silver ornamental personal care set with coral and turquoise inlay, Tongzhi reign (1862-1874), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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