Plate with Water Margin characters decoration in polychrome colors, Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty

Plate with Water Margin characters decoration in polychrome colors, Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B002818N000000000PAH
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Porcelain plate is open, circular wall, short circle foot, with obvious inner rotation marks, and there is no style. The body is white, the glaze is uniform, and the inner bottom is painted with the three heroes in The Water Margin. “Outlaws of the Marsh” is a chapter novel written in vernacular. It describes the story of 108 outlaws in the Northern Song Dynasty, who fell in Liangshan and were later recruited by the court. The three people depicted on the panel are “Double Whips” Hu Yanyao, “White Stripes in the Waves” Zhang Shun and “Small Whirlwind” Chai Jin. Hu Yanzhuo is in the middle with his signature weapon, Zhang Shun is beside him, and the one standing opposite the first two is Chai Jin. All three wore a hanging tag around their waist, on which their names were written in gold and red. The characters’ faces and hands are outlined with thin and strong red lines, and their expressions are subtle; And then the clothes with green, black, yellow, blue, purple and brown colored paintings representing their image characteristics

清 康熙 五彩水滸人物圖盤
图片[2]-Plate with Water Margin characters decoration in polychrome colors, Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Plate with Water Margin characters decoration in polychrome colors, Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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