Jade carving in the shape of a mountain with design of scholars listening to a flowing spring, Ch’ing dynasty

Jade carving in the shape of a mountain with design of scholars listening to a flowing spring, Ch’ing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1C003848N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: a decoration
  • Material: Mineral/jade jewelry/hornblende
  • Description:
    Things are like hills. The two high scholars in relief stood by the mountain spring. One person raised his head and stroked his beard, as if he was intoxicated with the pleasant sound of cool water. The rock surface is engraved with a regular script of a poem made by Emperor Gaozong in the 29th year of the Qing Dynasty.

清 玉高士臨泉山子
图片[2]-Jade carving in the shape of a mountain with design of scholars listening to a flowing spring, Ch’ing dynasty-China Archive
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