“Treasured Collection of ”Joy” Seals” . Dong Hao (1740-1818), Qing dynasty

“Treasured Collection of ”Joy” Seals” . Dong Hao (1740-1818), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1D000465N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: book
  • Material: Plants/Paper/
  • Description:
    The overprint of “Baozhang Jixi” was made on the third day of the reign of Qianlong (the sixty first year of Qianlong, that is, the first year of Jiaqing). It was made into stone seal seals (441~465) by the Minister of Hubu, Dong Gao (1740-1818), who collected the words “happiness” in the imperial poems of Emperor Qianlong. Before and after the printing sheet, it is bound with wood, and the wooden cover is filled with gold inscription “Treasure Seal Gathering”. The first two pages are printed with the following words: “Five Blessings and Five Dynasties Hall Ancient Heaven Treasure”, “Eight Expeditions of the Longevity”, “Supreme Emperor’s Treasure”, and “Heart nourishing Hall Treasure”. On the next page, there is the word “Treasure Zhang Ji Xi”. On the left, it is written, “On the third day of the reign of Emperor Qianlong and the third day of the reign of Emperor Jiaping, on the auspicious day of the month, we will collect the official seal of the imperial poetry anthology, Dong Gao”. On the back, two seals, “Official” and “Gao”, will be stamped. There are six pages of the manual, and each page has four seals. The first page is: “One Joy from the Next Life, Ten Joys”, and “Joy Sound”

清 「寶章集喜」印譜
图片[2]-“Treasured Collection of ”Joy” Seals” . Dong Hao (1740-1818), Qing dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-“Treasured Collection of ”Joy” Seals” . Dong Hao (1740-1818), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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