Ceremonial court belt with gold-inlaid jade pendants, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820), Qing dynasty

Ceremonial court belt with gold-inlaid jade pendants, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1D006756N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Dress accessories
  • Material: Fabrics//
  • Description:
    According to the Imperial Ritual Ware Pattern, the emperors of the Qing Dynasty can be divided into three categories according to the order of the occasion, namely, court dress, auspicious dress, and regular dress. The court dress, auspicious dress, and regular dress are definitely matched with the crown, the imperial bead, and the belt. The regular dress is matched with the crown and the belt, and there is no imperial bead. This is the auspicious dress belt used by the Jiaqing Emperor. It is a bright yellow ribbon. Four oval belt plates are carved in gold. Eight original beads are embedded in the middle of the yellow tourmaline. The pure white pendant has the same gold inlaid yellow tourmaline and pearl gold knot as the belt plate. On the belt ring, there are four colorful embroidered pockets. In addition, there is a fire sickle, a gold inlaid turquoise penknife with horn handle, and a gold inlaid turquoise ruby toothpick cylinder. The workmanship is exquisite and the color is bright, which is consistent with the regulations of the Imperial Ritual Ware Pattern. With the yellow label of “Emperor Renzong Rui”.

清  嘉慶  金鑲黃碧璽吉服帶

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