Chicken-blood stone Seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut

Chicken-blood stone Seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut

  • Image Number: K1D001898N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: emperor’s seal
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Chicken Blood Stone
  • Description:
    Chicken blood stone is an imprint stone produced in Changhua, Zhejiang Province. It is famous for its bright red color. This piece is printed in four directions. The stone color is grayish green and yellowish, with light vermilion, while the neck end has large red and dark red spots. The carver used color and sabre to draw and carve at the same time, making the dark red place just like the mountain wall and the river red as a shadow; There are ancient trees stretching out from the cliff wall. Under the shade of the tree, a boat swings on the wave. On the boat are the east slope, Buddhist seals and boatman. The floating clouds on the top of the tree hold a full moon, which is the picture of “Former Red Cliff Fu”. There is a small running script beside it: “The moon is on the east mountain, hovering between the bullfights. The white dew is across the river, and the light of the water meets the sky. A reed is like it, and the sky is empty.” Jia Xuan, with the word Yuwan and the name Kezhai. He was born in Linfen, Shanxi during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. When I went out to guard Huangshan Mountain, I tasted bamboo painting, ordered workers to engrave stones, and set up a place where Chibi people must travel. It’s also good to paint stones

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