Cup with silver flower appliques in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

Cup with silver flower appliques in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

  • Image Number: C1B000159N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Food utensil
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Cup, round mouth, deep wall, round foot. The whole vessel is covered with blue glaze, with fine dark open pattern on the glaze surface, and a silver twig flower pattern on both sides of the outer wall. Expose the tire at the bottom edge of the circle foot, and apply ochre fetal protection juice. Put it in the same wooden box with the other three small cups of the same type.

清 乾隆 貼銀花小盅
图片[2]-Cup with silver flower appliques in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive
图片[3]-Cup with silver flower appliques in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive
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