Pair of painted enamel Kuanyin-tsun vessel with longevity and happiness motif, K’ang-hsi reign (1622-1722), Ch’ing dynasty

Pair of painted enamel Kuanyin-tsun vessel with longevity and happiness motif, K’ang-hsi reign (1622-1722), Ch’ing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1E000044N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Enamel wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/Copper
  • Description:
    Copper tire, wide mouth, shoulder cut, pear belly, and round foot bottle. Light blue glaze is applied to the inside of the utensil. Four flowers are painted in light blue on the neck and four Ruyi cloud heads are decorated on the shoulders. The tassels of “Shou”, “Tong”, “Shan” and “Yue” seal characters are hung to the abdomen, and peach, bergamot (citron), pomegranate and lychee are painted on the yellow ground on the abdomen; Four lotus flowers are decorated below the abdomen. Red “Made by Emperor Kangxi” blue double box double line regular script on white ground. This device is in the same group with another similar Guanyin bottle (hence Fa 45).

清 康熙 畫琺瑯壽同山岳觀音瓶

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