Gilt bronze ruyi scepter with “Yi -chou” of the sexagenary cycle, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

Gilt bronze ruyi scepter with “Yi -chou” of the sexagenary cycle, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

  • Image Number: K1D001561N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Furnisher
  • Material: Mineral/metal/plated metal
  • Description:
    The two inlaid style is as you wish, and the cloud leaf style head is decorated with a rectangular four corner concave with a blue box in the center of the head. The characters “Yichou” are engraved in red in the shade. Above the characters are carved chime patterns, and below the characters are bats. On the left and right sides are decorated with a fish, implying “Happiness and Surplus”; The handle at the head is engraved with four characters of “Ten thousand years of luck” in regular script; The middle part of the handle is embossed with bat, peach and double coin patterns, which means “happiness and longevity are in front of you”. The hospital collection is made in twelve pieces, with different stems and branches inscribed on the front. (Therefore, 1552-1563)

清 銅鍍金十二辰「乙丑」如意

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