Pear-shaped vase in fa-lang-ts’ai enamels with floral décor 1741 (Ch’ien-lung reign)

Pear-shaped vase in fa-lang-ts’ai enamels with floral décor 1741 (Ch’ien-lung reign)

  • Image Number: K1B017625N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Description:
    This kind of bottle is commonly known as the Jade Pot Spring, with a skimpy mouth, a short neck, a big belly and short legs. The white bottle is painted with red, white peach flowers and camellia, and decorated with lake stones and wild chrysanthemums; The poem in ink on the neck and shoulder: “The new branches are light green, and the calyx is light red at dawn.” The red material on the top and bottom of the poem depicts the three seals of “beauty”, “green shop” and “rosy reflection”. The carcass is even thick, white and delicate. The blue material on the bottom of the container is printed with “Made in Qianlong’s Year” in four characters and two lines in Song typeface, plus double boxes.

清 乾隆六年 磁胎畫琺瑯錦花卉玉壺春瓶

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