Oil Painting of an Arhat

Oil Painting of an Arhat

  • Image Number: K2A003128N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 234.4×119.5
  • Description:
    In Qing Dynasty, oil painting was mostly used for painting portraits and pasting murals, which is now rare. This oil painting uses Korean paper, the surface is flat coated with gray, and mixed with Chinese and Western pigments, with fine and soft strokes. The painter receives light from the front, without highlights and shadows on the face, while the red and white robe folds to create a three-dimensional sense with dark colors and shadows. The figures in the painting are the same size as the real people, and the features of thick eyebrows, curly hair and whiskers are similar to the images of western missionaries in the print. Wearing a wide robe with thick ropes tied around the waist, the original biblical token holder has been replaced by a rosary dragon staff. The drawing should be drawn from the second half of the 17th century to the early 18th century.

舊洋畫羅漢 軸

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