Vessel with ring handles in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735)

Vessel with ring handles in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735)

  • Image Number: C1B003272N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: furnishings
  • Description:
    The utensil is shaped like a copper pot, with a wide mouth, a straight neck, a big belly and round feet. The two sides of the neck are decorated with animal head rings, and a string pattern is raised at the junction of the neck and shoulder. In addition, the whole body is plain and without lines. The whole body is covered with blue glaze, the glaze is bright and moist, and the open pattern is seen. The blue and white seal script “made in the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty” has three lines and six characters.

清 雍正 青瓷雙耳銜環瓶

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