Glass-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a design for pavilions of the immortals, Qianlong reign (1735-1796), Qing dynasty

Glass-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a design for pavilions of the immortals, Qianlong reign (1735-1796), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B014079N000000000PAF
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/glass/
  • Description:
    White translucent glass, with a bright belly, is painted on the golden floor in Qionglou Fairy Pavilion, and is decorated with curly flowers on the side. The bottom seal is carved in double lines, “made in the year of Qianlong”. With copper base enamel color cover and tooth spoon.

清 乾隆 玻璃胎畫琺瑯瓊樓仙閣鼻煙壺
图片[2]-Glass-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a design for pavilions of the immortals, Qianlong reign (1735-1796), Qing dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Glass-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a design for pavilions of the immortals, Qianlong reign (1735-1796), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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