Vase with deer-shaped handles Carved polychrome lacquerware, 18th-19th century, Qing dynasty

Vase with deer-shaped handles Carved polychrome lacquerware, 18th-19th century, Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1H000005N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    It is shaped like an ancient copper pot, with a wide mouth and a straight neck, a large belly and round feet, and a double deer ear on the neck. The surface of the vessel is decorated with woven brocade, the neck is decorated with deformed gluttonous patterns, and the abdomen is divided into zonal woven patterns, decorated with deformed and folded Kui patterns. The vase is large and full of ornaments, full of weight, and finely carved, presenting a completely different aesthetic impression from Yongxuan in the Ming Dynasty.

清 十八-十九世紀 剔彩鹿耳大瓶
图片[2]-Vase with deer-shaped handles Carved polychrome lacquerware, 18th-19th century, Qing dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Vase with deer-shaped handles Carved polychrome lacquerware, 18th-19th century, Qing dynasty-China Archive
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