Bamboo brush holder depicting the Red Cliff, early Qing dynasty

Bamboo brush holder depicting the Red Cliff, early Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1G000023N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Carvings
  • Function: Stationery
  • Material: Plants/Bamboo/
  • Description:
    The craftsman selects a section of flat cylindrical bamboo, with natural bamboo knots as the bottom, and carves three feet; The whole decoration is carved with the technique of “deep sinking”. The mountain rocks with simple layers on the front are the most superficial, and the motif of deep technique reliefs is used: a boat seems to be crossing the rock wall, an old man or a middle-aged man is rowing in the stern, two thirds of the boat body is pierced on the right side of the mountain wall, along the left edge of the mountain wall, a servant boy shows half of his body, three people sit around the square table in front of him, Su Shi (1036-1101) is in front, two guests sit on the other side, and three people look into the distance. Near the simple mountain wall, there are ancient pines growing from the inner side of the rock wall, with round pine needles scattered, and a cloud near the mouth of the utensil, revealing most of the bright moon. The other side is simply carved with stone patterns and splashing water. This is a piece of bamboo carving workshop in Jiading area in the early Qing Dynasty.

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