Chicken- blood stone seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut, Qing dynasty, the 2nd year of Qianlong reign, 1737

Chicken- blood stone seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut, Qing dynasty, the 2nd year of Qianlong reign, 1737

  • Image Number: K1D000297N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Stationery, stationery, seal
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Chicken Blood Stone
  • Description:
    The chicken blood stone has a rectangular body with narrow and pointed sides, which is like a towering stone tablet. The front is carved with straight and steep mountain walls, which obliquely occupy most of the upper part of the body. The red patch at the upper right corner points out the theme of the “red” wall. At the foot of the mountain, the river is turbulent and the waves are billowing. A small boat rises and falls on the river, with one boatman and three passengers. It is so small that it seems that it is about to disappear into the vast expanse of boulders, torrents and strange trees. Turning to the other side of the body, everything turns to loneliness. A stream flows, crosses a bridge, and climbs onto a mountain platform. The two of them bow to each other. On the wall like a monument, six lines of small regular script are neatly engraved: “I once knew the Red Cliff, and now the rocks have returned, thousands of mountains and trees have fallen, and I boarded the boat on October night. I am lonely and happy. I will not stay in the wind and frost, and I will not stay in the river when I am alone. I will not stay in the river when I am old. After I look at the red cliff, I will use Fu words.

清 乾隆二年 施天章雕赤壁圖雞血石未刻印
图片[2]-Chicken- blood stone seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut, Qing dynasty, the 2nd year of Qianlong reign, 1737-China Archive
图片[3]-Chicken- blood stone seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut, Qing dynasty, the 2nd year of Qianlong reign, 1737-China Archive
图片[4]-Chicken- blood stone seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut, Qing dynasty, the 2nd year of Qianlong reign, 1737-China Archive
图片[5]-Chicken- blood stone seal depicting the Red Cliff, stamp uncut, Qing dynasty, the 2nd year of Qianlong reign, 1737-China Archive
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