Jar with animal-shaped handles in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

Jar with animal-shaped handles in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

  • Image Number: C1B001543N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Sacrifice is an important motive for the official to burn ceramics. Continuing the tradition of “sacrificing and fighting” in ancient times, sacrificial events are not only about gods, sacrificial officials, ceremonies, and gowns, but also about the shape, quality, and color of sacrificial vessels. In the Qing Dynasty, sacrificial vessels such as Jue, Deng, Fu, Gui, Dou, Zun and Zhan were all made of ceramics; Also, different sacrificial ceremonies are distinguished by blue, yellow, red, white, and white, and there are differences in patterns and sizes. This open jar, whose abdomen is wide and cut from top to bottom, has a flat and shallow concave bottom, and the whole body is smooth. It is only a small animal with two ears on its shoulders. It should be regarded as the “Zun” in ritual vessels of the Qing Dynasty. It looks like a small animal’s ear of a calf, which is called the “victim’s ear”. In the sacrificial ceremonies of the Qing Dynasty, yellow porcelain was used to hold wine for the Temple of Earth, the Temple of Agriculture and the Temple of Silkworm, that is, to worship the Earth God, the God of Agriculture

清 乾隆 黃釉雙獸耳罐
图片[2]-Jar with animal-shaped handles in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive
图片[3]-Jar with animal-shaped handles in yellow glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive
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