Jade table screen with decoration of scholars freeing a crane, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

Jade table screen with decoration of scholars freeing a crane, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

  • Image Number: C1C000340N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Furnisher
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    It is made of sapphire. The landscape figures are embossed on both sides, and the official script of Qianlong is inscribed with a poem about the scenery. The two scholars watch the crane together. An old man comes slowly from behind, and two others climb up to look far. In the blank place, an official script is engraved in the shade: “The imperial inscription of the Pavilion for Releasing Cranes was sung by a scholar in the middle of Zhejiang yesterday, but now I come here to visit the Burmese mountains. A stream of (ordinary) cranes are kept in high bands, and the house is more like a relative.” The poem was recorded in the fourth page of the 24th volume of Complete Works of Imperial Poems of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty – Three Episodes of Imperial Poems. On the other hand, the two scribes talked slowly and the boy waited on them. In the blank space, the official script is engraved in shade: “The imperial smoke pavilion is a green mountain across the river, and the stone pavilion climbs up to the green place. The four columns are full of words and lack of inscriptions, so we know it is called the Spring Pavilion.”

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图片[2]-Jade table screen with decoration of scholars freeing a crane, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive
图片[3]-Jade table screen with decoration of scholars freeing a crane, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive
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