Copper-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a western figural design, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820)

Copper-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a western figural design, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820)

  • Image Number: K1E000945N000000000PAG
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Enamel wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/Copper
  • Description:
    The neck is open to draw scenery and flower and leaf patterns, and the bottle body is open to view Western figures. With carved copper cover and bone spoon. On the bottom, there are regular script “Jiaqing New Year System” in blue. The shape of the utensil is not perfect, the painting is careless, and the uneven color is applied with many flows of glaze, which symbolizes the decline of enamel painting technology. Collect in the hundreds of pieces of “octagonal wooden box with jade inlaid in the Qing Dynasty”.

清 嘉慶 銅胎畫琺瑯西洋人物鼻煙壺
图片[2]-Copper-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a western figural design, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820)-China Archive
图片[3]-Copper-body painted enamel snuff bottle with a western figural design, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820)-China Archive
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