Square vase with Western flower on a yellow ground in yangcai painted enamels, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty

Square vase with Western flower on a yellow ground in yangcai painted enamels, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B005104N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Floral apparatus
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The utensil is square hammer shaped, straight mouth, long neck, large abdomen, flat bottom and shallow concave square foot. The whole yellow glaze is the ground, which is painted with foreign flowers, including anemone, chrysanthemum, crocus, clematis, lily, poppy, morning glory, iris, rose, carnation, honeysuckle, bean flower, and more than ten kinds of flowers. The mouth and foot are decorated with gold edges. The carcass is even, the inner neck and the bottom are covered with lake green glaze, and the blue and white script “made in the year of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty” is in the white box at the bottom.

清 乾隆 洋彩黃地洋花方瓶
图片[2]-Square vase with Western flower on a yellow ground in yangcai painted enamels, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Square vase with Western flower on a yellow ground in yangcai painted enamels, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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