Dish in sky-blue colour in yangcai painted enamels With wood case, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty

Dish in sky-blue colour in yangcai painted enamels With wood case, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B006394N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    Fruit plate fold edge, shallow arc wall, flat bottom. The whole piece is painted with jade glaze on the white ground. The light is plain without lines. There are ten nail marks on the outer edge of the bottom. The blue and white script “made in the year of Qianlong” has four characters and two lines in the box left in the center.

清 乾隆 洋彩天藍釉盤 附木匣
图片[2]-Dish in sky-blue colour in yangcai painted enamels With wood case, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Dish in sky-blue colour in yangcai painted enamels With wood case, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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