Jade prayer bead necklace, India

Jade prayer bead necklace, India

  • Image Number: K1C003637N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Clothing, accessories, magic tools
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    The green and white jade of different depths is carved with melon shaped beads of different sizes. The main part is made of 100 pieces in series. They were also divided into four segments with 24, 25, 24 and 27 grains each. Two rosary beads made of jade beads with melon petals are displayed in the Salar Jung Museum in south central India. 97 and 101 respectively. Judging from the number of beads and grouping, the three strings in our hospital and the Salakin Museum are incompatible with the 99 beads system used in Islam today. This string in our hospital was observed from the silk spike. It may have been worn again after arriving at the Qing Palace.

印度 玉唸珠

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