Round box with lotus-scroll décor Filled-in lacquerware Ch’ing dynasty, 18th-19th century

Round box with lotus-scroll décor Filled-in lacquerware Ch’ing dynasty, 18th-19th century

  • Image Number: K1H000337N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    Flat top, the box is stretched out along an arc, the center is straight, the feet are high, and the inside of the box and the feet are painted black. Red paint floor, yellow outline, black, yellow, green and silver interior. On the side of the box, there is a lotus pattern with two wavy branches on each side of the lotus, and the leaves deliberately bypass the branches. The edge of the box is also used as the pattern of turning branches, and the cover is also used as the pattern of turning branches. The branches and leaves of the central lotus are respectively connected with three branches and leaves, and each branch is divided into one branch. The six lotus flowers are equally distributed, one is positive and one is negative, and the small leaves are wrapped round. The box cover, the box edge and the side of the box are each framed with black paint. The lotus flower specially emphasizes the stamen and the lotus canopy. Compact layout, fresh paint, smooth polishing, lotus petals or not filled with paint, but full of straight lines, creating a flickering visual effect.

清 十八—十九世紀 填漆番蓮圓盒
图片[2]-Round box with lotus-scroll décor  Filled-in lacquerware  Ch’ing dynasty, 18th-19th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Round box with lotus-scroll décor  Filled-in lacquerware  Ch’ing dynasty, 18th-19th century-China Archive
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