Three tiered set of carved polychrome lacquer boxes in the shape of six lobes, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

Three tiered set of carved polychrome lacquer boxes in the shape of six lobes, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

  • Image Number: C1H000008N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    Three layer box, six petal pattern, attached seat. The exterior is painted with red, yellow and green paint, and the interior is painted with black light. The cover is carved with a longevity star riding a deer, with a boy in the front and a boy in the back. The former holds a chime and the latter holds a staff, surrounded by pines, bamboos, mountains and rocks. The gap is carved with parallel patterns, diamond patterns, hexagonal patterns and water waves. There is a fold band pattern and a deformed lotus petal pattern outside. The surrounding wall is carved with two layers of lotus patterns, with yellow plain ground between the patterns; Two layers of carved branches, flowers and fruits are lined with diamond lattice flower brocade patterns. The seat surface is lightly carved with ten thousand words brocade pattern, and the wall is decorated with lotus pattern. The vessel is decorated with gold painted flower patterns.

清 剔彩六瓣三層套盒
图片[2]-Three tiered set of carved polychrome lacquer boxes in the shape of six lobes, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)-China Archive
图片[3]-Three tiered set of carved polychrome lacquer boxes in the shape of six lobes, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)-China Archive
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