Round dish with cloud-and-ju-i decor, carved lacquerware, Qing dynasty, 18th century

Round dish with cloud-and-ju-i decor, carved lacquerware, Qing dynasty, 18th century

  • Image Number: C1H000018N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    The plate edge is inclined, the bottom is flat, and the bottom is painted with brown paint. Three groups of Tang Cao Wen were made along the bottom plate. The center of the panel is composed of four stars, small circles, six groups of cloud tails, and six stars from the inside out. The outermost circle is composed of six Ruyi moire patterns, and the edge of the panel has two chord patterns. Ruyi moire has a wide head, square turning, uniform lines, and consistent modeling rules at the gap. The knife cut groove is deep and the bottom is narrow. The side of the paint layer shows fine overlapping lines of paint layer. The paint surface is bright, the knife cut part is sharp, and the paint is moist.

清 十八世紀 剔犀如意雲紋小圓盤
图片[2]-Round dish with cloud-and-ju-i decor, carved lacquerware, Qing dynasty, 18th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Round dish with cloud-and-ju-i decor, carved lacquerware, Qing dynasty, 18th century-China Archive
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