White Conch Shell, presented by La-mu Ch’uei-chung, Tibetan work, 18th century

White Conch Shell, presented by La-mu Ch’uei-chung, Tibetan work, 18th century

  • Image Number: K1D001321N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Dharma instruments and musical instruments
  • Material: Animals/shellfish/
  • Description:
    Tibetan works, 18th century. In Manchu and Chinese characters, Huang signed in ink: “Lamu Chuzhong delivers Danshuke, one into the white conch.” Left-handed Indian holy shell, with hole chiseled at the top, attached with yellow stick and white hada; The original state of tribute is still preserved. In Tibet, the conch can be used as a musical instrument and a horn, and it is often a container for nectar on the Buddhist altar.

十八世紀 西藏作品 白螺
图片[2]-White Conch Shell, presented by La-mu Ch’uei-chung, Tibetan work, 18th century-China Archive
图片[3]-White Conch Shell, presented by La-mu Ch’uei-chung, Tibetan work, 18th century-China Archive
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