Hu vessel with appliqued animal masks carrying rings in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735)

Hu vessel with appliqued animal masks carrying rings in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735)

  • Image Number: C1B000700N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The mouth is wide, the neck is tied, the shoulders are sloping, the abdomen is huge, and the shoulder has two strings, the head, the ring, the dark ears, and the feet. The whole vessel is covered with light blue glaze, which is covered with fine pieces. There is a circle of brown juice around the foot, and the blue and white script “made in the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty” with three lines and six characters on the blue and white glaze ground inside the foot.

清 雍正 青瓷獸耳暗環壺
图片[2]-Hu vessel with appliqued animal masks carrying rings in green glaze, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735)-China Archive
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