Nine-dragon yangcai porcelain washer with a yellow background. Jiaqing reign (1796-1820), Oing dynasty

Nine-dragon yangcai porcelain washer with a yellow background. Jiaqing reign (1796-1820), Oing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B015558N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Stationery and stationery
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    The mouth is flat and round, and the mouth is painted with gold rims. Around the body, nine dragons are painted in bright yellow among red, blue and white auspicious clouds. The middle is painted with a golden red dragon, the right is painted with a pink dragon, the left is blue and white, and the two sides are painted with a pair of blue and red dragons, and the last is a green dragon and a red dragon. A part of the bottom core is exposed, the rest of the inner wall and the outer bottom are covered with turquoise green glaze, and the bottom has a red seal script made in Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty. The color is rich and layered, and the painters are neat, which is a good product of Jiaqingyang colored porcelain. In addition, there are Jiaqing blue and white nine dragon washes with similar themes and shapes.

清 嘉慶 洋彩黃地九龍洗

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