Hairpin decorated with “Liu Hai playing with the toad”, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

Hairpin decorated with “Liu Hai playing with the toad”, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

  • Image Number: K1D002567N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Archival dimension: 長約21公分
  • Function: Clothing and accessories
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    Plain collar metal hairpin. The hairpin is used to play with the toad. The slightly arced metal hairpin is decorated with bright blue green dots, like the waves on the sea. The white jade fairy stood on the green jade lotus leaf, raised the swinging and bending metal wire with both hands, and there were coral rings and jasper ornaments on the line, which seemed to be an attractive treasure. The immortal leaned down and looked down at the quiet toad below, which seemed to tease and lure the toad’s attention.

清 劉海戲蟾簪

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