Silver headdress ornament decorated with kingfisher feathers and “Longevity” characters inlaid with seed pearls, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

Silver headdress ornament decorated with kingfisher feathers and “Longevity” characters inlaid with seed pearls, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

  • Image Number: K1D003027N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Archival dimension: 全高10.8公分 寬7.25公分 厚1.0公分
  • Function: Clothing and accessories
  • Material: Minerals/jade jewelry/white rice beads
  • Description:
    Crown accessories, ball shaped. It is made of silver, blue and purple, with hollowed out cloud patterns as the base. A row of rice beads is laid horizontally on the top, and four “longevity” characters are made. Several of the green dots fall off. The mother of pearl, also known as “facial hairpin”, is decorated on the colorful crown “mother of pearl” that Manchu women wear during festivals and sacrifices. It is often composed of several mother of pearl flowers.

清 銀點翠嵌米珠壽字鈿花

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