To the Accompaniment of Tao’s Drinking Poems

To the Accompaniment of Tao’s Drinking Poems

  • Image Number: K2B000178N000000011PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Zhu Yunming;祝允明
  • Form: 冊(摺裝)
  • Description:
    The poem was written at the age of 40. It was Zhu Yunming’s favorite work, so it was copied many times. This volume was written at the age of 66. The small regular script has a wide and flat structure, mellow stippling and short lines. It originates from Zhong You’s regular script, reflecting his understanding and interpretation of Zhong You’s small regular script. Zhong You’s famous masterpiece “Recommended Season Straight Watch” was once spread in Suzhou, which directly affected the popularity of clocks in this area. Zhu Yunming wrote this calligraphy when he was about 30 years old. There is a section of Zhang Cao in the book. Zhu Yunming combines regular script and Zhang Cao with smooth running script, overcoming the stiff and abrupt feeling of Zhang Cao in the early Ming Dynasty. The pen is calm and neat, the knot is dense and the shape changes at random, and the moving qi is swaying. It is a masterpiece of Zhang Cao in the Ming Dynasty.

明祝允明和陶飲酒詩 冊 11

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