Of 5 results
Old photos of Shanghai in 1893-China Archive

Old photos of Shanghai in 1893

Old photos of Shanghai in 18931893年的上海老照片
Old Photos of Hong Kong in the Late Qing Dynasty-China Archive

Old Photos of Hong Kong in the Late Qing Dynasty

Old Photos of Hong Kong in the Late Qing Dynasty清朝末年的香港老照片组图 1907年,两广总督周馥在香港,旁边跟着开道的侍卫,戴墨镜的侍卫看着威风凛凛。 1900年,新年时香港的街道,最小的...
Old Color Photos of Mongolia in 1913-China Archive

Old Color Photos of Mongolia in 1913

Old color Mongolian photos in 19131913年的彩色蒙古老照片
Old photos of Peiping in 1923-China Archive

Old photos of Peiping in 1923

Old photos of Peiping in 1923    
Old photos of Ningxia in 1936-China Archive

Old photos of Ningxia in 1936

Historical old photos | 1936 old photos of Ningxia   同心县,韦州的穆斯林 同心县,韦州的清真寺 同心县,韦州东关附近 吴忠平原,平顶清真寺